Tim Jennison, Independent Member + Chair
Mr. Edward Slade, Independent Member​​
Prof. Geoffrey Crisp, Independent Member
Dr. Karen Treloar, Independent Member
Feroz Ali, Independent Member
The Board of Directors (‘the Board’) is the principal governance body of the Institute of Creative Arts and Technology (ICAT). The governance model includes two standing committees of the Board: i. The Risk Committee (RC) supports the Board by providing an objective non-executive review of the effectiveness of the Institute’s financial reporting and risk management framework, and oversight of the implementation and operation of the Institute’s risk management framework;
ii. The Academic Board supports the Board’s academic governance responsibilities to ensure the Institute fulfils its academic responsibilities as an Institute of Higher Education.
Professor Geoffrey Crisp, Independent Member + Chair
Associate Professor Fiona Martin, Independent Member
Dr. Karen Treloar, Independent Member
Dr. Fay Amaral, CEO
Dr. Sue-Ann Stanford, Executive Dean
Dr. Melissa Silk, Chief Academic Officer
Dr. Raymond Young, NZ Whitecliffe CAO
The Academic Board is supported by four sub-committees:
i. Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) monitors and reports on quality assurance processes for teaching and learning to ensure that day-to-day academic operations meet quality educational standards. The Teaching and Learning Committee has responsibility for advising the Academic Board on policy and practice related to teaching and learning;
ii. Course Advisory & Review Committees (CARC) are convened for each course or discipline of offering. The CAC will provide advice on the development of new courses and review of existing courses. It will also provide advice on new course accreditation and reaccreditation of existing courses;
iii. Grade Release Committee (GRC) reviews and ratifies assessment and final results. This committee ensures the quality of assessment moderation and reviews the academic standing of students;
iv. Student Appeals Committee (SAC) is an ad-hoc committee, convened only as needed, and provides a forum for review and decision making in relation to student academic grievances matters.